Through all of this planning and preparation, we lose sight of our most precious non-renewable resource-our leisure time. While we prepare for most everything else, we don’t give much thought to our time off and how we’ll make the most of it. Did you know that in 2018, the U.S. Travel Association reported that over 50% of Americans left 768 million vacation days on the table? That’s time we’ve earned but have not used.
In the next 20 years, it’s estimated that the number of international travelers is going to double to nearly 2 billion, making it more difficult to access the world's most sought after destinations. Planning ahead will mean that we not only get the best selection of accommodations but we also are visiting during the best times of year, and making time to experience the world before it is too late.
As you look forward to 2020, I encourage you to block off your schedule so you take full advantage of your hard-earned time off. If lack of time and interest in travel planning are barriers to you getting away, get in touch and we can discuss a long term planning tool called Wanderlist to ensure you are making the most of your vacation days and budget.