The program focuses on 7 pillars: Advising (life coaching), Adventure (exploration and activities leveraging the natural surroundings), Conditioning (fitness), Movement (yoga, mindfulness, meditation), Nutrition, Neurofeedback and Virtual Reality/Mixed Reality (to increase neuroplasticity and manage stress). This holistic approach to wellness provides the tools for the intervention and prevention of neurological diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Daily sessions with Mendy focused on increasing neuroplasticity through neurofeedback. With electrodes attached to the top of my head and each earlobe, I was "playing" what looked like a video game but was a graphic representation of my brain waves. Mendy set guidelines through her software of how hard to make my brain work with reinforcing sounds and images. I was fascinated at how I could carry on a conversation or even have my eyes closed for the session and I was still "training my brain". The really impressive fact was that the new threshold of brain activity was not degenerative-it doesn't go back to your baseline function even if you do no further neurofeedback sessions!
I even got a taste of the virtual reality system, which right now is fairly primitive but within months will be updated to a much more robust system of augmented reality on 4D screens which will really help clients relieve stress by quickly transporting them to more serene environments. LifeWorks also plans to eventually create a mobile application to allow you to plug into your new "happy place" at any time, creating a sense of calm almost immediately regardless of how stressful your home or work space may be.
The difference between the activities at LifeWorks and those you may find at other wellness resorts is that each one is specifically tied to brain health and the coaches spend ample time helping you understand how what you are doing reduces the risk of neurological diseases.
Research has shown that we are going to live well into our 90s. We’re all spending so much time strengthening our bodies that we’ve neglected to strengthen our minds. The goal is to have a mind-body balance so we can not only be physically fit but also be mentally alert as we age so our bodies don't outlive our minds. The onset of symptoms for neurological disorders can take 20-30 years to appear-the earlier we address our brain health and build neuroplasticity, the greater our chances to have a better quality of life. With the LifeWorks program, you can "vacation with a purpose" and do just that.